Practices Focus
- Merger & Acquisition
- Banking & Finance
- Islamic Finance
- Tech
Sub – Practice & Industry
- Fintech
- Financial Institutions
- Restructuring
- Corporate Finance
- Project Finance
- Regulatory Compliance
- Derivatives & Structured Financial Products
- Real Estate
- Estate Planning
- International Tax
- International Tax
Senior Partner
Vincent Sendow
"Your Banking, Financial Services, Financial Institutions, and Merger & Acquisitions Specialist"
Ang Vincent Lawrence Angelo Sandow is an experienced legal consultant with a demonstrated history of working in the banking industry and notarial sector. He is a partner in the corporate and commercial practice group of Yuvens & Co.
He obtained his Law Degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Surabaya specialized in Criminal Law and Anti Money Laundering (AML) and awarded with the predicate of Cum Laude. He continued his postgraduate in Notary from the Faculty of Law of the University of Airlangga Surabaya and awarded with the cum laude predicate also the best of his class.
Ang Vincent also took the specialized education for advocate profession (PKPA) held by PERADI and also the professional certification in Legal Auditors (CLA) from Jimmy School of Law and Government, and became a member of ASAHI (Asosiasi Auditor Hukum Indonesia).
He specialized in legal audit, banking, mortgage and security law, commercial contract agreement, and land law.
He has been handling various corporate cases since 2016, not only on fraud cases on corporations, but also drafting agreement and joint operating agreement, conducting legal reviews and legal due diligence, and many other corporation cases.
Professional Affiliations
- Member of ASAHI (Asosiasi Auditor Hukum Indonesia)
Faculty of Law, Univesity of Surabaya (UBAYA), Bachelor of Laws (SH) (Cum Laude) (2016)
Faculty of Law, Univesity of Airlangga Surabaya (UNAIR), Master of Notary (M.Kn) (Cum Laude) (2018)
Best Outstanding Student of Faculty of Law, University of Airlangga Surabaya (2018).